Unique situation and questioning when I should quit my job?

So I graduated from college in August and began searching for my first big kid job right away. In September my parents informed me that they booked us tickets to go to their homeland country to visit family for about 3 weeks from the end of December to mid January, aka right around the holidays.

I knew it would be very unlikely for me to start a new full time career sometime in September or October and my new employer to allow me to go on such a long vacation that soon after starting. So I decided to just go ahead and work a full time retail job at a department store instead and the plan is to start up my job search related to my degree again when I get back from my trip.

My issue is I have no clue when I should leave the retail job. I go out of town on the 24th aka Christmas Eve so I was planning on possibly making my last day December 20th and putting in my 2 weeks on November 29th. I would be quitting right before the holidays and I know this is honestly kinda shitty, but I really don’t plan on working a retail position again after this.

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Unique situation and questioning when I should quit my job? Unique situation and questioning when I should quit my job? Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 22, 2019 Rating: 5

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