Hi all,
I currently work for a large international company. On paper, it's a great job. Good pay, good benefits, lots of travel opportunities. I was ecstatic when I found out I got the job.
However, my mood has gradually shifted over the past 8 months. Some days I absolutely dread going into the office. I feel like there are a million places I'd rather work and find myself in indeed quite often.
This is my first REAL job since graduating college. Is my attitude normal? Or do I just need to suck it up and understand work isn't always fun?
I just feel like things could be so much better. I don't have a clear role and after 8 months I still haven't received formal training. My boss constantly pushes back meetings with me or just blows them off entirely. My first three months I was forced to work as the company's customer service rep (previous rep quit) despite being hired as a marketing coordinator.
During my time here I feel like I've had to learn everything on my own, and I haven't been afforded the same as opportunities as other employees (training, technology, time/respect).
It took me about two years to find this job. I'm worried if I leave it will take two years to find another. I have so many bills as is and I don't know how I could survive without a job. But I know I am not happy where I am. Should I just suck it up? Should I apply on the side?
I would appreciate any advice you can offer.
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