How do I answer the salary question in interviews?

In the spring I'll be graduating with a mechanical engineering degree and 20 months of relevant work experience through internships. I have an interview coming up for an entry level position in the nuclear field in Canada, I'd really like to land this position.

Here's my problem, I hate the salary question during interviews. I'm never quite sure of the correct answer purely because I'm still getting used to the fact that I have an option other than minimum wage. Does anyone have any advice on how to tackle this? Or possibly any other engineers who are willing to share what they earned entering the field? I tried looking it up and the average seems to fall between 50-60k, but they don't seem like reliable sources.

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How do I answer the salary question in interviews? How do I answer the salary question in interviews? Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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