I need advice on my male coworker getting verbally aggressive with me

So I work in fast food and while I was working today, a male coworker pushed me, and when I asked him why he pushed me, he told me he didn’t really push me and if he did, he would have pushed me to the wall, this isn’t the first time he is rude to me even though it is the second time we’ve worked closely together, I’m a girl and obviously all this rudeness and aggressiveness has gotten too much so when I clocked out, I told the managers what he did and we documented it and they said they would ask for his side so I need advice on want to do thank you

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I need advice on my male coworker getting verbally aggressive with me I need advice on my male coworker getting verbally aggressive with me Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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