I know it is an unavoidable discussion and I dont plan on withholding information but I was wondering when in the application process is the best time to let employers know about my record.
If I have been called into an interview and it seems to be going well, I feel like it is a little premature to offer up that information out of the blue. Of course if I am asked anything along the lines of whether I am going to pass a background check, I would be honest but is it a good idea to say "Thanks for considering me, great to meet you all.. by the way I have a record!" ? Seems weird and self-sabatoging to me. Is it acceptable to wait for an offer but before a background check to let an employer know? Should I tell the HR person about it or my would-be director/boss?
When the DUI question inevitably comes up, how much information should I divulge? Obviously, nothing about the details of my situation but is something like this OK?: This I made a stupid mistake in the summer of 2018 and got a DUI. It took a while for it to be processed through the courts so my conviction happened earlier this month. I am deeply ashamed and let a lot of people down, mainly myself but I am not defined by that incident. I bring a lot more to the table that a skid mark on my record.
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