Has anyone heard of companies where the culture was loving? A place where people were supportive and caring for each other?
The post title may sound weird. However, I'm currently in the job search, and my only criteria is that the company have a positive, loving culture.
For the last 9 years I've worked in NYC at companies where the culture is very competitive, alpha male environments, and I've learned to really value work quality and excellence. However, the downside is that these environments have been extremely toxic. Mistakes are met with derision. Low performers are discarded instead of coached. The stressful environment comes home into my personal life.
For a small time period at my last job, I worked with a manager who was an exception to the culture. In one-on-one meetings he was very supportive and encouraging. He was always happy to complement my work in front of others. Because of him, I was motivated to do good work and in turn I wanted to support him.
Has anyone heard of companies that have loving cultures? Cultures where people are kind and caring. Or any tips on finding such a place?
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