Don't tell coworkers about your job search!

I guess this is probably job hunting 101. I told a coworker I was job searching and now everyone knows. It was a coworker I've worked closely with and thought I could trust. I mentioned that I had an invite for a phone screen, not even an onsite interview, and she told everybody in the office. Management hasn't said anything to me about it, but they've been micromanaging me since and are making my work life just that much more awful. When I asked her why she told everyone she apologized and said she "wasn't trying to throw me under the bus." I've stopped all unnecessary talk with her and keep conversation solely to work, but the cats out of the bag now.

I'm mad at her but also mad at myself for trusting her. My job environment has become increasingly toxic with new management and multiple people have left so it shouldn't be a surprise that I'm trying to get out too. The whole thing is just frustrating. Job searching is hard enough, but I just made it that much harder on myself and even put my current position in jeopardy and I really can't afford to lose this job without having another one lined up.

Don't be a dunce like me. Don't tell your workers if you're job hunting. Loose lips sink ships.

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Don't tell coworkers about your job search! Don't tell coworkers about your job search! Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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