Started a salary position as a "probationary employee". My first two weeks were incomplete due to midweek start and the Labor Day holiday. I have not been paid for the first pay cycle that I worked. What should I expect?

Hello /r/jobs,

On August 28th I started a job with a 40k salary. I was told that for the first three months, I would be probationary, but that I would receive the same pay. My manager explained that I would have PTO prorated for the remained of the year after my 3 month probationary period finished.

How does payroll for salary employees account for unpaid time off, or for incomplete work weeks? In the case that I worked W-Th-Fri on my first week and T-F on my second. The second week included a holiday that I assume the other employees are paid for. Can they pay all their employees except their "probationary employees" for a holiday?

If they decided that I was to be paid as an independent contractor for my probationary period a) is that legal without informing me or contracting me on that basis b) should I expect to get paid gross salary during that time period?

Thank you.

P.S. I'm in Maine.

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Started a salary position as a "probationary employee". My first two weeks were incomplete due to midweek start and the Labor Day holiday. I have not been paid for the first pay cycle that I worked. What should I expect? Started a salary position as a "probationary employee". My first two weeks were incomplete due to midweek start and the Labor Day holiday. I have not been paid for the first pay cycle that I worked. What should I expect? Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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