I am writing this on behalf of my partner - she's having the work issues but I am running out of ideas on how to advise her.
This is might a long one so apologies for length. Plus, I should add, this is everything I have been told from my girlfriend's perspective, so happy for people to play devil's advocate.
My girlfriend started a new job at the start of the year, as maternity cover, at a university. Prior to that, she'd been at the same company for 6 years (interrupted by a year maternity leave), during which she was promoted several times. And prior to that, she has been a longstanding employee at several other jobs. I would say she was a model employee.
She left at the end of 2018, for a new challenge, and soon started the new job. She was trained up in the role by the lady for which she was covering. The role was, in basic terms, preparing for an event happening about 4 months from her start date.
But after that lady went on her own maternity leave, my gf soon learned a few things about the role:
- No-one, other than the lady now on maternity leave, seemed to know what was expected of the role, in terms of procedures or outcome.
- The role was unique to that university - very few, if any, other universities have a similar role. It's incorporated into different departments at other universities, so using another university as a gauge as to what was expected wasn't an option.
- My gf wouldn't have a manager for a couple of months, so she was pretty much left to figure things out, unguided, and instigate programmes and procedures for which she had basic training. Which naturally led to errors.
So my girlfriend, for the first couple of months, felt undersupported and undertrained.
She then got a new manager after a couple of months. This manager was promoted from within the university, from another department. As much as I know about her, I would say she is a yes person. Tells the bosses what they want to hear to cover her own back. A jobsworth.
Things got difficult with the manager really quickly. Errors started popping up in the run up to the event. the manager would expect my GF just to perform tasks for which my GF had no training. When my GF asked her new manager for extra support, or if she could come in on weekends or work late, to prepare for this event, every request was met with a 'no' with various different reasons.
3 months passed in the job and my GF had her mandatory probationary period review. And in that review the manager tore her apart. Basically said my gf was underperforming drastically and if the manager didnt see any improvement, she'd seek to terminate her employment within 3 weeks.
The list of complaints (which I saw) were insanely detailed and epically long. Like the manager had been detailing every error as they happened to cover her own back, rather than try and solve the issues as they arose with my gf.
My GF asked for a meeting with HR, in which she gave her own version of events (no support, refusal to requests). Naturally, as you would expect, the manager disputed this. Which left my gf felt like she was facing a path of being let go in 3 weeks. If she was unsupported in the run up to this meeting, why would she be supported in the next 3 weeks, in an effort to save her job?
So she resigned - she had my full backing to do it. She wasn't happy. Why stay in a job if you aren't happy?
That was about 2 months ago. My GF has since been looking for work. She has had a couple of promising interviews. One company was very interested. Practically offered her the job.
They asked for her references, to which she gave several. But then the hammer blow - 'we'd also like a reference from your previous manager'
I think you can guess what happened next - my girlfriend, reluctantly, contacted the manager to ask for a reference and the manager refused.
And the job offer was rescinded.
So my question is: is there anything she can do in future (or to respond to this job offer that was rescinded)? How can she broach this with future employers? It's frustrating to think that this one terrible experience might hamper her work opportunities.
Or should she considered short term contracts so she then has more recent managers to call on for references?
Cheers for any advice.
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