I got a recent promotion under a team of supervisors, now we have an entire new team of supervisors and I’m overwhelmed. Is it time to quit?
I need advice. I am starting my 5th year at my job. After year two: got a promotion, the following year: got another promotion. Saying that, I am now in a supervisory position ahead of an entire department. Not to “toot my own horn”, but I am great at my job. Which is why I have been successful is getting promoted more than once in such a short time. With every promotion comes more responsibility, and I’ve always felt my expectations were reasonable, and when things gets stressful- I’ve handled it well.
Here is my dilemma. My last promotion was this past January, under an entirely different Admin/Supervisor Team than I am under now. I was okay with my work load before, but now this new Admin/Supervisory Team is requiring more out of me than my previous supervisors. I am taking work home almost daily now including doing some work on weekends. I understand that a new teams means changes, and they are also trying to figure things out - but it feels more like ppl not knowing their duties and dumping it onto me (and those under me). Does anyone have any advice in how to handle this type of situation? I am almost the the point where I am thinking about quitting, and looking elsewhere. My health is way more important to me than any job, and with as stressed as I’ve been these last few months it doesn’t feel worth it.
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