“Casual” dress code for first day?

Ok, background: I start a new job next week. It’s my first job that isn’t technically retail and it’s my first job post-college. I have been looking, applying, and interviewing since January so this is a big deal for me. It is a customer service based job but it takes place in a warehouse location and it is also a startup company.

The dress code is casual, and while my supervisor told me jeans and a t-shirt, I’m not sure if I should go that casual on the first day. I was thinking jeans and a nicer top, but not too nice as to be “interview nice.” I know this sounds like I’m needlessly worrying, but I feel like this first impression with meeting coworkers is important: I don’t want to be dressed so nicely that I look like I can’t do anything useful or that I’m sucking up, but I also don’t want to look like I’m taking total advantage of the casual dress code. I realize people are very judgmental (even if subconscious) so I want to make sure I can fit with their environment and culture.

You all have much more experience than I do, so I’m curious about your thoughts or suggestions.


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“Casual” dress code for first day? “Casual” dress code for first day? Reviewed by Louhi on août 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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