I graduated in April and my goal back then was to have a job by graduation. Now we're in August and I've had two in-person interviews and one phone interview. Nothing else after 100+ applications for jobs in and out of my degree field.
One of the in-person interviews was for a job I really wanted and was well-qualified for with the state I live in. I rocked the interview and promptly got ghosted for a month and a half before I worked up the nerve to call and ask what the status was. The HR rep told me that I did incredibly well in the interview but they still went with 10 other people.
Some nights after putting in 15 applications I feel like crying. I don't get what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying not to get depressed but this is so depressing.
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Avoiding depression/disillusionment
Reviewed by Louhi
août 14, 2019
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