What is a high paying job that is quick to get into?

I don’t care about back breaking work, travel, or weird hours. I only want to make as much money as possible, regardless of conditions. Any ideas?

I still have 5 years left of college since I’m going for a masters degree and going part time (only 3 classes at a time) and I am so over being broke. I just wanna drop out of school and go straight into something where I make at least $20 an hour and can get a job in less than a year.

I am broke as a freaking joke and I’m tired of it.

So yeah. Travel? Fine. Long hours? Fine. Overnight hours? Fine. Weekends? Fine. Hard labor in the heat or cold? Fine.

I don’t care, just show me the money. Fire some ideas at me.

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What is a high paying job that is quick to get into? What is a high paying job that is quick to get into? Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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