Got hired for 1 center, being sent to other centers with less than 12hrs notice

This will take a bit of explaining.

I live in a large metropolitan area known for terrible traffic. I got hired at an education center close to my home (about a 10-15 min drive). I purposely chose this location as husband and I currently share a car, so we have to take one another to work.

Recently, I was told that the center was overstaffed and that I may be sent to a sister center until my room opens. 1 week ago, I was told with less than 12 hours notice that I would be sent to a center 40 minutes away for the foreseeable future, starting the next day.

This center is a known sinking ship, with rampant toxicity toward the staff and children. I was not happy. I went anyway, and my home center manager asked how it went after the first day. I was honest and told her in unbiased language all the policies I had seen broken that day, as well as told her about the 3 staff in the break room who were talking about tendering their resignation. She assured me I was being heard and said I would be out by the 19th. She did not specify which month, but as it was the 11th, I assumed it was the current month.

Now, as I look at my calendar, I see the 19th of August is a Monday, which would make more sense timeline-wise. Do I have any ground to stand on to demand that I be brought back to my original center? It's been extremely difficult having to quadruple my commute time in heavy traffic, as well as put up with the toxicity of the sister center.

I've probably left out some context but the tl;dr is this: sent to another center with a toxic environment involuntarily; how can I get sent back to my home center?

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Got hired for 1 center, being sent to other centers with less than 12hrs notice Got hired for 1 center, being sent to other centers with less than 12hrs notice Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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