Do I keeo my job i dislike because of good pay an good benefits?

I work in the food service industry. Not in your typical restaurant though.. I manage some Cafes inside of a large corporation.. I have only had the job for about 7 weeks but I am unhappy. There is no communication and I feel like I am not really learning anything new. I just registered to go back to school to pursue work toward doing something I will actually enjoy.. Thinking about going to work puts my anxiety through the roof. the only problem is, is that I am making more money than I will be anywhere else, as well as all holidays paid off, PTO and health insurance. What would you do... Keep the good paying job while you go to school or quit and do something that you can make decent money while working towards doing something you love?

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Do I keeo my job i dislike because of good pay an good benefits? Do I keeo my job i dislike because of good pay an good benefits? Reviewed by Louhi on avril 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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