Stumped on if I should give notice


I have been with my current job for just about a year. I work for the county, so definitely don’t want to burn bridges if I can help it. However, my manager is pretty much a nut case and causes me so much anxiety at work any time I even hear her foot steps coming into the room. She speaks to me with such disrespect whenever she gives me tasks to do, and god forbid I mess up on something or do something wrong, then she tells me how much I’m screwing her over. (Which by the way, this is an entry level part time admin library headquarter job. This isn’t serious business.)

Anyway, after establishing that my work environment is toxic, I of course went back on the job hunt. I just got done with a very successful phone interview for a job that pays $16/hr (as opposed to the 13.65 I make now) and they seemed to be impressed with my relevant admin background. The lady emphasized that they are looking to expedite the hiring process and that if I move on, I could look at starting in under a week and a half.

But I don’t want to burn bridges! This new job is a temporary job lasting 2-3 months. Prior to the county, I worked shitty retail jobs with equally shitty managers that probably can’t provide good references due to having some issue of their own with me, similar to this manager. (Not that my current manager may give me a good reference either, but I’ve worked under her for a year and don’t want to fuck it up completely). So I don’t want to screw myself out of this reference by not providing a two week notice, but.....I don’t know.

I have also fucked up a job offer completely in the past by telling them I’d like to give my current manager two weeks notice (at a different job), and they rescinded the offer. And that’s the last thing I want, as I basically can’t stay one more day in this place with my bitch of a manager and have contemplated many times quitting without even having another job lined up because it’s affected my mental health so much.

I am considering giving my manager whatever notice the new job entails. If they say “hey, we’ll have you start 3 days from now” I am considering just telling my manager that I am giving her 3 day notice. My manager is the type to be pissed off no matter what, so yes, I know she isn’t going to take this well without throwing a temper tantrum in front of me, but she also might not take a 2 week notice well either 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have no clue.

What would you do? My top priority is not screwing up the new job offer, next priority is not leaving on bad terms with my current. Not sure if it’s possible to make both happen.

(This is all under the premise that I actually receive a job offer. I want to prepare though)

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Stumped on if I should give notice Stumped on if I should give notice Reviewed by Louhi on mars 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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