Job application asks for a number of personal references that is more than the number of people I know


I’m applying for a job for the first time after multiple years of essentially being a hermit. As the title says, the application asks for what are essentially co-worker references, and I can really only think of one, but the application asks for five. Not counting my family, I literally do not know five people. Three would be really stretching it.

I’ve worked in the past, but two of the companies I worked for have either gone out of business and I don’t know how to contact anyone I worked with in them, or I worked there so long ago that I doubt anyone would even remember me, assuming they’re still even there, or that I remember their name.

This is only one of several applications, so I could just skip it, but this is the company I really want to work for, and in any case, I want to confront this problem head-on so I don’t have to be afraid of things like this. A lot of the reason I spent so much time holed up in my head was fear, largely of things that there’s no point in fearing (and I knew that all along, but it made no difference; this is why telling someone to “snap out of it” or “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” is worse than useless).

Thanks in advance.

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Job application asks for a number of personal references that is more than the number of people I know Job application asks for a number of personal references that is more than the number of people I know Reviewed by Louhi on mars 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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