How do I get out of the traditional office environment ?

I graduated college last May and landed my first job in October. I majored in economics but my current job isn’t really related, I’m a business analyst for a big insurance company.

I work the norm 40 hours a week 9-5 jobs with an hour commute both ways.

In the beginning it was a rough adjustment having next to no free time except weekends, and going to bed an hour or two after I get home just to repeat the next day.

Sitting at a desk for the majority of my life is driving me fucking nuts. I find myself going to the bathroom every 15-30min just to get away and have a break. The job is not demanding at all and my coworkers are great, but sitting in an office everyday for the rest of my life is so depressing to think about. I see these older guys in their 60s sitting there and just wonder how the hell they made it that far without jumping out the window.

I guess my question is how do I make the thought of me spending more than half my life at a desk not even making enough money to move out of my parents tolerable, or how do I get out of this environment to something that doesn’t have me sitting at a computer for the rest of my life? Please help lol

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How do I get out of the traditional office environment ? How do I get out of the traditional office environment ? Reviewed by Louhi on mars 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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