So my first job/contract ended ty defunding after 4 months of working at a company. I was very lucky to get the position and my boss told me there were much better candidates than me but he chose me because he saw potential with me and my degree in Biochem & Molec. Bio. It took me 4 months to get this job after graduation, attending countless interviews. I am interviewing for a new position now but I would rather not wait another 4 months. I did not do any internships for some reason but did independent study in college, encompassing 2.5 yrs of experience including my 1st job. Sure its given me much more to talk about in interviews, but there are ALWAYS better candidates than me, no matter what, as I assume they did internships in industry. My "friend" interviewed for jobs for 1.5 yrs before he landed a job, I do not want to wait that long. How long will it take to land a new job, will 4 months of job experience help? I had 2 in-person interviews this month and have 5-6 lined up for February. Is that enough per month?
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