Working destroys my mental health

Hi all,

TDLR: 23M I hate working, the idea of working, always have and 5 months in and I hate getting up every morning, day after day for something I couldn’t care less about. Work makes me depressed and I feel I am wishing away my time on this earth. I can’t help but feel envious of those job hunting or unemployed as at least they have time to do what they please whilst I’m stuck spending my weeks and days in an office not wanting to be there.


For years I've known that I would hate the ideology of working full time and I wasn't wrong.

I'm a recent graduate and have been in full time employment for just over 4 months now since graduating. I'm in a pretty decent job at this point of my career as a graduate and in terms of salary and hours being pretty advantageous over the generic graduate jobs in the Uk. In addition, I know for a fact I could be worse off, and by no means am I ungrateful, as I am doing better than most of my friends who are also graduates in similar stages of life to me (to be blunt).

I've found it difficult to accept that I will be having to work more or less until the day I die in this day and age. For years I've known that I wouldn't enjoy the concept of "work" now I'm here I feel there is no where to go and this is it for the rest of my life. The idea of having to get out of bed in the morning for something you don't give a monkeys about, and spend all day doing, day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year until it's all over scares the shit out of me. To be honest, I hate it, I hate getting out of bed in the morning for this, I hate spending all my time doing it, but I have to and everybody has to.

In before the "snowflake" comments too, I cant help but feel the state of economic and political progression has influenced this feeling towards the working life stye. With the 400% rise of property prices in the Uk over the last 50 years vs the minimal % rise in salary, the idea of working forever is incredibly demotivating, especially since that I/my generation will have to work for significantly longer in order to acquire the basic necessities as an adult including a home and being able to function normally as a human being such as living with shelter, washing, eating etc - compared to the older generation who didn't have this degree of challenge. A common motive I hear is that without work, you can't afford anything, which is true and I've definitely been on both ends of the spectrum from having less than £20 in my bank account and to having a salary - and yet I still feel that "getting paid" still does not weigh up to the constant struggles of working.

Not sure where I'm going with this, but I hate working and consistently think what is the point of it everything in life, if life is purely based on working a job that you never really care about, purely for the financial advantage that would allow you to meet basic human functions and to live.

How did you accept that this is the way life is supposed to be / is accepted to be and how did you accept working full time for the rest of your life time?

How do you cope with the norm of this way of life during your professional career?

How are you supposed to be happy - when the majority of your time on this planet is spent doing something you probably don't want to do at a place you probably don't want to be at?

TDLR: I hate working, the idea of working, always have and 5 months in and I hate getting up every morning, day after day for something I couldn’t care less about. Work makes me depressed and I feel I am wishing away my time on this earth. 23M

EDIT: A few comments saying that I have never been unemployed: If you’d of read my post I mentioned that I have been broke before with nothing in my bank account. Since November last year it took me over 1000 job applications to get me a job where I am now in this very competitive graduate market. I graduated in June and started working in September. That’s 3 almost 4 months having fuck all and being unemployed, so yes I have been unemployed and been completely rock bottom for money and I do know what it’s like.

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Working destroys my mental health Working destroys my mental health Reviewed by Louhi on janvier 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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