A couple of days ago I posted about the issues I've been having with my new job (haven't figured out how to attach link, so bare with me here).
Basically, I've been in orientation for the past couple of weeks, and struggling because of poor supervision/training. Many people left because of this, so I don't take it personal, or at least I didn't till today, but I'll get to that in a minute.
I was thinking about walking out but after considering the advice y'all gave me, and talking it out with my wife, I decided to suffer with it while applying for something else. At some point it was gonna get easier, right? Wrong.
Today I finally snapped. The trainer had been criticizing and picking at everything I've been doing (there is no training!) for the past couple of days, and I had enough. I pretty much picked up my things and told her thanks for the opportunity but it just ain't gonna work for me. I was even polite about it even though I felt like cussing her out (she did call me a retard while criticizing my work). A supervisor heard and called me aside, told me to take the day off to cool down and come back tomorrow. Take another week and decide if I want to quit or not, but not to make rash decisions.
Now I have no clue what to do. I'm sitting here having chest pains over this. Everybody in the office heard, and I don't know how to deal with the stares should I decide to go back tomorrow. To make it worse, there is no other trainer in the company, so I would be stuck with this woman, and I already know that is going to be a problem.
My wife told me it's OK if I chose not to go back, and that no job is worth risking my health. I get that, but I just don't know what to do anymore.
What would you do?
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