Anyone use a headhunter/other type of person to help with job search?

Are there people that can help me with my job search by making introductions? People that have an "in" with multiple companies or can maybe just help me figure out where I am going wrong?

I worked with someone to help build my resume last year but it doesn't seem to have done much for me. I moved to CA in June last year, have put out hundreds of applications and in turn have had one phone interview in 8 months. I don't know anyone here besides my SO and don't really know where to go for networking as everything seems geared towards small businesses, not job seekers.

I feel like I am shotgunning my resume out into the ether and praying that someone finds it. Obviously, it's not working. I'm willing to pay someone to help but not sure where to start looking for someone that isn't just going to charge me $1000 to re-word my resume.

Any help/advice would be appreciated. I am really starting to lose hope.

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Anyone use a headhunter/other type of person to help with job search? Anyone use a headhunter/other type of person to help with job search? Reviewed by Louhi on janvier 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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