Quit to travel, Boss wants me to stay!

Currently I work for a medium sized corporation that has branches in a few major cities in the US supporting event venues, but local area management is small and we all know each other. I work about 2 hours away from everyone else in a new venue and city acquired last year. I got the idea in my head to quit to travel to another country for a year on a working holiday visa (29, recently divorcing, sold a house, never studied abroad/traveled much with huge desire to). I planned to leave in January next year. I told my boss the news about 2 months ago and he of course was sad as I am a great employee, but said he understood as the last year was really rough for me personally. I bought a one way ticket for mid January. Fast forward a month ago and my boss and the COO want to try and get me to stay - they did this by showing up in the middle of the work day while I was in the middle of a live event and asked if we could go talk. (SURE I guess so). I think this was a power play to throw me off - why not just schedule a meeting?

They let me know they have big plans for me and more venues they want me to try and get for them in this new city and I would get a new title, raise, and employees to assist me with admin work to help me with work-life balance. (I have been doing this job ALONE for a year and have been promised they are looking for support staff for me the whole time, but it has never happened). They never mentioned any of this to me before so I was taken aback there was a career advancement opportuntity happening in the next 6 months.

The job can be stressful and time consuming without support, as there are events year round at all days and times. I think they never hired a 2nd person to help me because they wanted to save money and knew I could do it all myself ( no work life balance). They constantly praise me as I have outshone every monetary goal they had for this new venue. I have a lot of indepenedence here too, which is nice.

The next week I wrote back saying I was going to go ahead and quit still, and laid out a detailed plan before I would leave for my world trip (over the course of the next 2 months - plenty of time to train someone). I did not hear from them for over a week (no response at all or acknowledgement) until my boss came onsite to interview a potential #2 for me. We chatted and of course I am nervous about the decision and I was beginning to question my decision. He even said they have a $$$ figure approved but wouldn't say what it was. The next week I went in for our annual Thanksgiving lunch at headquarters and I talked with my boss again. More of the same, and he convinced me to at least write out a plan for if I did stay, and that I could still take a sabbatical to heal in January for a month or so, and what else I would want. I told them I wanted to know what the raise might be and he said it depends on me and if I stay and I can ask for a figure if I want to - I was dissapointed they don't have a counteroffer ready by now to entice me to stay if they really want me to, especially if they already have a figure approved.

I submitted a substantial raise amount, asked for remote work days as I can after a #2 is hired, and future unpaid PTO if I want to in addition the the company allotted 3 weeks of vacation. It's been now a week and a half later and I have not heard back a single thing. This is typical for them (just like when I sent my original resignation) and it drives me nuts to the point I am reminded again why I don't care too much if I quit. Showing up in the middle of my event without scheduling a meeting, pushing off getting me a 2nd employee for a whole year, poor reply time to what I consider really important negotiations as it's now about to be December and my plan was to quit by January 4th.

I need to either buy my return ticket back if I am coming home after a month long trip, or start planning my next job in the new country. Time is ticking. I feel disrespected by them and this job is not a passion of mine - it's just a well paying job with great benefits for me and potentially would let me make a lot of money and they take shorter vacations here and there. It would be great for my resume in this new "director" type role and I would make a lot more money (assuming they come close to the salary I want). I wouldn't get to do my working holiday visa (have to be 30 or under) and I feel I may never get that chance to pull up and travel the world if not now. Am I being impatient with my bosses or should I take the leap and go?


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Quit to travel, Boss wants me to stay! Quit to travel, Boss wants me to stay! Reviewed by Louhi on décembre 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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