My next move... Or should I just be patient?

Hey reddit.

I got out of a second interview two days ago, everything went great. At the end of the interview I asked what the next steps where. The manager for my position said “We’ll right after this I am going to go talk to HR and the VP of marketing. If that goes well than you’ll be here as soon as possible.”

Well that was on Tuesday. I know that isn’t a lot of time to give them but I am starting to get a little anxiety.

The only thing that didn’t go perfect was when we discussed salary I told them that my ideal salary was 65k. They said their budget was 50k-60k. After they told me that I asked just to keep mind all of the skills I bring to the table that was more than they bargained for.


I plan on sending a thank you email for the interview today. (I normally like to give it a day or two.)

Do I need to calm down or should I start to get worried that I haven’t heard anything? Other than a thank you email what should I do?

Thanks guys!

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My next move... Or should I just be patient? My next move... Or should I just be patient? Reviewed by Louhi on décembre 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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