I am an English-Spanish translator. I have been doing small translation jobs over the years, and just decided to start translating as a freelancer a couple months ago. I am still doing the whole content mill and finding new clients thing.
Through my networking I have found a potential new client I am very interested in. It would be ongoing work and they need me to translate their site and later their social media posts as well.
The client wants to draft the content himself and then have me proofread it. His English isn’t the greatest, so I’d rather just do the translation straight away. How can I explain to them that this is the best option to have a well written text and also how much should I charge for proofreading alone instead of translating? Should I do it by the hour or per word as well?
I am assuming I should charge him by the word as usual, but he asked if I could offer them a package deal since he also needs me to translate Instagram and blog posts eventually. How should I organize and price this package? I have no idea what my proposal should be, but it doesn’t sound like a good idea since I don’t know the length of the posts.
He is interviewing other translators for the job as well so I wanna be competitive in order to get it, but not sell myself too cheap. I live in Spain and I am aware there are competitors in other countries charging 0.01€/word versus the 0.08-0.10€/word I’d like to charge him. The job is in the health/lifestyle market if that helps.
Any help would be really appreciated, thanks!
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