Need Help for a Job Interview for Allianz

Hi everyone! Im new to /jobs but i think there are many people here that could lend me a hand.

First of all, here in my country Argentina Allianz uses a "Cia de talento" (a third party human resources) for recruiting. There were online quiz, webcam interview and now its an "Assesment Center" which 15 guys and girls will be doing some activities and then a presential interview. They told it was going to last like 3 or 4 hours. And the position i applied for are:

Sinister and secondly operations. Both are internships. i picked sinister mainly because human interaction is one of my strenghts and sinister is all about clients and stuff like that. Im in my last year for my degree of business administration.

Now things i would like to be helped:

- What about dressing for interview? Formal, sporty?

- Topics i should know about? I know stuff about insurance like basic concepts and how some products works but about insurance for organizations or other stuff nothing.

- Is there any stereotype Allianz use to look for?

Thank you guys so much in advance!!

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Need Help for a Job Interview for Allianz Need Help for a Job Interview for Allianz Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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