How important is company reputation as a university graduate?


So i've recently been offered an analytics graduate position at the largest financial institution in my country. The company has a great reputation in analytics, is paying me well for a grad and overall has a great company culture. However, I believe that in comparison to the other grads, my skillset is a bit more advanced. I've done a 5 year degree and have a decent amount of relevant experience, so I believe I can offer more than a graduate. Also, as part of the graduate jobs in this company, there are a bunch of social events and other non-work related contributions your expected to make e.g. volunteering. As someone who is quite introverted, I don't think this will be very enjoyable for me.

I graduate in 3 weeks, and so i've been exploring my other options. I've found some decent jobs slightly higher than entry level that I think I have a shot at. They pay decently better than my graduate offer (even though it already pays quite well) and don't seem to come with all the social bells and whistles. However, a lot of these are at start-ups and smaller companies. I wonder if in the long term I would be better off sticking out my graduate position due to the companies great rep? I'm mostly afraid that future employers would consider me a lower quality candidate in comparison to someone who started off their full time career at a more well known company. I'm also not sure whether my learning experience would be as good in these smaller companies.

Would love any thoughts! Thank you :)

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How important is company reputation as a university graduate? How important is company reputation as a university graduate? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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