21 and I have never had a job or even started applying until recently

Okay, so as the the title said I am 21 and I have never had a traditional job nor am I in college but I want to try filling out applications and start searching. I didn't apply to places when I was a teenager because my mother wanted me to focus on school and once I graduated, like the day after graduation, I went to stay with my Ill grandmother who was slowly losing her ability to be mobile without assistance. For the past three years until about a few months ago I was more or less a live in caregiver. I was in charge of fixing her meals, bathing her and taking her to the bathroom, (by that point she couldn't even wipe her own ass) as well as various other tasks.

Now she is being taken care of by a facility that is better suited to take care of a person with her kind of disabilities and I'm trying to get my life together, problem is I have no idea how job hunting actually works and really need some general advice. I also don't have a care and have to rely on rides from my parents so I can't just go out and ask people for applications or anything.

Tldr; Had to take care of sick grandmother for three years and am just now able to start looking for jobs Any advice would be greatly appreciated since I have no idea what I'm doing.

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21 and I have never had a job or even started applying until recently 21 and I have never had a job or even started applying until recently Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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