Lack of Social Interaction - Is CS Good for Me?

I'm a senior computer science major recently accepted into my universities 1-year master's program.

Coming from a poor home and being a first-generation college student, I focused on money as a priority for my future career. I wanted the ability to give back to my family because they've hardly ever had anything.

With money being important, before I decided on CS I had in mind a Physician Assistant master's program, or even the psychiatry MD path. I've always enjoyed helping people but I thought the earning potential ceiling in computer science was higher than the medical field (sans MD).

That's why I chose computer science, I had already had in mind a career path starting as a software engineer, working my way up to senior then architect, then CTO, CIO, the dream.

I've changed a lot since my freshman year - I used to be shy and to myself but now I'm outgoing and I just want to be around people and meet people... the idea of being in a metaphorical prison "cube" all day is getting less and less appealing to me.

In saying all of this, do you kind people of Reddit have advice?

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Lack of Social Interaction - Is CS Good for Me? Lack of Social Interaction - Is CS Good for Me? Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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