I started my "dream job" back in September. I love it, have a really good relationship with my boss and coworkers, and personally feel like I'm performing well so far.
In November, I found out I'm pregnant. I wouldn't call it unplanned, but it isn't something I was expecting to happen so soon. I feel really guilty that I'll be going for maternity leave before I've even been at my job for a year (granted, my leave is only 6 weeks unpaid).
I'm coming up on my second trimester and getting ready to announce my pregnancy, so I'll need to let my job know. I'm dreading it. I feel like it will look bad since I'm so new. I'm concerned they'll think I won't be able to do my job as well, or that my maternity leave and time off for appointments will be inconvenient. I'm afraid they'll regret hiring me. And I just feel really uncomfortable sharing such personal news with my boss/coworkers. Even though I get along with them great, I've only known them all for a couple of months. I'm pretty introverted and hate awkward personal conversations.
What's the best way to go about this? I plan to tell them after the holidays.
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