Received a promotion over 2 months ago, been with company 15 years, and told my raise would follow. My review today and I was given 4.5 with 5 being the highest they can rate (And 5 is never given). I took a loss of bonus in January, restructuring of company, so the raise would at least help with the pay loss the last 8 months. But what I was told today... new bonus system not in place yet and no raises in foreseeable future. I work harder for less pay, frustrating. He owns a million dollar home and drives his Tesla, kids in private school, but no raise for employees. I'm grateful to have a job when do many has lost jobs...frustrated today. Last month I helped collect over $400K, lots from past due balances, some over 5 years old. Any advice appreciated, I need to stay positive as I look for a new employer and leave this job behind.
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