Thinking about leaving my job!

Thinking about leaving my job...please don't take this the wrong way. I am truly blessed to have a job nowadays. Which helps me provide for my family. Unfortunately, I have the kind of job that thinks your entire life is the job. They, like most jobs, put more and more and more on your plate and expect you to perform at a perfect level everyday. Over these past few weeks. I have really been stressed out. I'm over eating, not sleeping and I've become a very angry person. I complain to my husband about work, I complain to my mother about work, I talk to myself when I'm washing dishes or cleaning the house about work, I even dream about work. Yesterday, while at work sitting in my office I felt like someone was choking me. I couldn't catch my breath. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears. The sound was so loud it blocked out every other noise that was around me. I felt like I was dieing. I immediately grabbed my purse and keys clocked out and left work. I pulled up to my doctors office shaking with tears in my eyes. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I told my doctor what happened and he said I had a massive anxiety attack. He prescribed me some medication to help me come down. However, I hate taking medication. He also told me to get rid of the stress in my life. After I left the doctors office I called my husband and told him what happened. I kept saying over and over again to my husband im not crazy, im not crazy, while crying uncontrollably. This job is killing me. I know so many people right now needs jobs, but I can't continue on like this. I have two young son's I want to keep living for. Any advise is appreciated. Thank you to anyone who reads this.

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Thinking about leaving my job! Thinking about leaving my job! Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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