Not sure if bullying or just childish behaviour

I'm relatively green in the IT field, in my first role outside of University and have quickly been promoted in my 5 months with the company.

The company I work for has gone through some major redundancies before I joined which has led to the IT department being extremely understaffed. We're slowly beginning to hire more and a lad has just joined to replace the position I filled when I was hired.

Now here is the issue, one of the existing employees whom has been with the company for many years has taken a real shine to solely fucking with my shit as a "prank" you know printing out stickers like penis sticking it to my stuff, sending emails when I don't lock my laptop, and generally turning everything I say into some way to make others laugh and make me feel about 2 foot tall.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not intimidated by this guy, and I would love absolutely nothing more then to smash his head in right in the middle of the office but suffice to say, this cannot be done, BUT because this new lad is watching this behaviour I sense that he also has joined his pocket as a sense of protection so he doesn't get targeted. New lad is so sound when nobhead is out of the picture, along with everybody else actually.

What's further pissing me off is that other departments laugh along with this nobheads antics whom have all been here for numerous years.

I know I'm not the wittiest person on the planet, but it's actually like he drains my thunder and has somehow convinced other people around me that I'm the problem and not him, whereas I've been nothing but nice to everybody and genuinely try my hardest to get things sorted, my manager definitely respects the work that I do, but this guy doesn't.

What should I do? Im getting to the point where I'm imagining him sticking another fucking penis sticker on my coffee cup and me just smashing it round his head, and I know that's a pretty dangerous thought to be having


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Not sure if bullying or just childish behaviour Not sure if bullying or just childish behaviour Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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