Hiring manager wants to call me after I withdrew my candidacy, what are your thoughts?

So I have gone past 2 rounds of interview for this position and is scheduled for the 3rd and final interview tomorrow with the big boss.

I want to share my timeline for you to understand what happened better:

Aug 2 - sent application online Aug 5 - received rejection email from applicant system

Aug 19 - HM sent me an email directly to ask if i'm still interested in the role

Aug 24 - 1st interview with HM (surpassing HR completely), when HM asked about salary expectations, I said I trust the company will give me a fair rate (I basically want them to give me a rate first, she did not give any rate in response)

Red flags I noticed during 1st interview: 1. HM did not introduce that 1st interview will be HM interview right away, good thing I noticed her title is not HR and confirmed rwith her right away 2. during the interview, did not give me a chance to ask questions, instead I had to beg to squeeze 2 questions before interview ended (she kept telling me she is overrun by xx mins and had to jump to another call, she also "paused" the interview twice for a minute each to take other calls)

Aug 27 - 2nd interview with a so-called person I will be working with as well (again, HM did not introduce beforehand), who is in a parallel role as HM, but been there for more than 2 yrs to give me more background on the role and organization. HM has been there for less than 2 months

At the end of the 2nd interview, I have decided this company is not my "cup of tea."

But I have no idea yet what the compensation is so I kept going.

Aug 30 - HM reached out to me to schedule 3rd (and I think final) interview on Sep 1

Aug 31 - HR called me out of the blue to discuss salary expectations. I did not want to give a figure first at all and she sounded really frustrated. She said I am wasting everyone's time by not communicating my expectations. I said, I have communicated that I'm open to what the company thinks is a fair rate for this role. So whats the rate for this role? After she finally shared it (frustratedly), I said I'm okay with it, just for the sake of avoiding more frustrations, although it was way in the lower end of the other offers that I'm getting.

Anyway, after that HR call, I decided not to move on with the hiring process and withdrew my candidacy (I emailed the HM separately). I did not want to waste anyone's time anymore, including mine, since I really was not interested anymore since interview #2.

Now the HM is asking for my phone number to "make sure she understands what happened", but I already sent her a not too vague but polite withdrawal email and I believe she should have just acknowledged that gracefully. That makes me think more that is a red flag, and there is something going on for sure between the HM and HR.

Redditors, what are your thoughts?

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Hiring manager wants to call me after I withdrew my candidacy, what are your thoughts? Hiring manager wants to call me after I withdrew my candidacy, what are your thoughts? Reviewed by Louhi on août 31, 2021 Rating: 5

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