Need help/advice!

Here is the situation/story. I apologize for the long post however I have been desperately searching for help and haven’t been given anything worth considering. I am going to provide you with a timeline of how things occurred to provide some background information:

May 2021- started a new job position I got in Louisiana. Currently live in NJ, and this was the “job of my dreams”. Planned on relocating for the position, even though I could not find sustainable housing there due to this housing crisis. Went down there by myself from NJ to start the job. Was told by the Manager of the Dept that I could stay at her apartment for the short-term, until I found a house and my husband and kids would come there. The day before I was scheduled to leave and drive down there from NJ, the manager tells me that she resigned from the organization and she was moving to Georgia. Tells me I can stay at the apartment still but will need to “take over the lease” (?) once she leaves the following week. I cannot afford to take over the lease because I was trying to find a house for me and my family. I didn’t want to be strapped to two houses and have to pay for both. So, I declined the offer to stay at her apartment for the interim. Found an extended stay hotel and was paying $1700 per WEEK to stay there due to the cost. I managed to stay down there for 3 weeks but after the 3rd week, realized that I was draining all of the savings we had for the house we planned on eventually getting (once it was found!). Drove back home up to NJ after finishing up that week at work because I couldn’t afford to commit to another full week of paying for the hotel.

Got back home and my husband told me that I have to tell the job that I am not going to be able to come back that next week due to not having housing. Just couldn’t afford another weeks worth of the cost of the hotel. Told the Director of the department and she said she understood my predicament. She told me in writing, that I could resign and she would not terminate me, and once I figured out the housing situation, I could reapply for my position and return. Tried my best to find housing and my realtor actually found someone who was willing to rent out their house to us. I contacted the Director to let her know that things were finally settled with the housing situation, and she GHOSTED me! She won’t answer any of my text messages or emails. I contacted HR and they said that I am eligible for re-employment per my status in the system. This Director refuses to answer me or my emails. Apparently, I was lied to and I guess she just said that as a nice way of letting me go.

Here is the dilemma- I have to be out of my current house I have been living in NJ by August 1. My landlord wants to sell our house. We can’t afford to buy it from them as they asked for $1 million dollars for it. I don’t have the job in that part of LA anymore, however I was able to find another position in LA but ok the opposite side of the state from this facility. I am nervous to move myself and my whole family to LA due to what happened with that other job. I got the offer in official writing, but I know absolutely nothing about this facility and I am afraid that maybe some of the people from that first place might work there? And know of me when I get there? Maybe there won’t be anyone that knows me, but due to the fact that I got ghosted by the Director, it leads me to believe that they just didn’t like me for whatever reason, and wanted to block me from every contacting them again. I am not stupid. I know this is what they think, or they would have taken me back with open arms as they “said” they would when I first left.

I also got a job offer in Ohio, which the job itself is great, but why would I want to live there? At least LA had fun things to offer me and my family! However, Ohio IS affordable and we might be able to find housing there. I can find housing in the other part of LA but I am very scared to commit to that position due to what happened with the first job. God....they first was my DREAM! I was so proud of myself for accomplishing it - and it got taken away from me due to something completely out of my control. I have been severely depressed over this and we have to leave our home! So, I have no job, and no house, and I have 3 small kids to provide for.

If anyone can offer any POSITIVE help/advice, I would really appreciate it. Please, I am already down and out. I don’t need to hear anything negative or that I am a Bad mom because I love my children more than life itself. I am just very disheartened that I lost the job of my dreams and I am scared to return to that state again for another position someplace else! 😩

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Need help/advice! Need help/advice! Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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