Most of the stuff my boss telling me to do is by in-person convo. While I’m working in front of my computer, across the small office area, he tells me stuffs like “oh and call A for xx, email B for yy, and check with C about zz as well.” It’s all very spontaneous and he does this quite often so I write down everything he says immediately after.
But sometimes he forgets to tell me the things that should be done (and also the things that I can’t possibly know without him telling me). And he confronts me with the task that ‘should’ve been done a day or ago when he asked me to do verbally a few days ago,’ saying I’m so forgetful, never do anything right and that stresses him too much for just having me around. He’s not yelling or anything but he sighs a lot and make sure he’s v annoyed out by my attitude.
There’s no way to prove he did not ask me to do a certain tasks, especially since I’m his only employee there’s no other person to be on my side in this matter. I’m so stressed out and constantly want to quit, which affects my work performance as well. What should I do?
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