Turning down a job offer based on gut feel when unemployed... stupid or sensible?

So.. I was let go from my job a little over 2 weeks ago. The official line is that "the needs of the business had changed and my role was no longer viable" - essentially some external consultants had come in and wanted me (head of marketing) out so they could absorb my role and take my salary, while delegating the shitty tasks to the less senior members of my team. Because I'd upset one of the directors a couple of months before for being a woman with an opinion and a backbone, he was all for it and I was given the elbow.

A blessing in disguise perhaps, because I wasn't happy there anyway.

Anyway. Without wanting to sound bigheaded, I'm very good at what I do. I have a solid CV and demonstrable experience and results. The day after I got let go, I applied for a handful of jobs and got interviews for every one. Two of these I progressed through several rounds of interviews for - while I'll find out the outcome on Tuesday for my preferred role, I got offered a position at one of them last week. Only, my gut is telling me not to take it.

There are red flags all over the place with it. The recruiter that set up the interview had to warn me about meeting with one of the bosses there - stating that he can be difficult, direct and a bit of a tricky customer. When I met him I did get that vibe, but thought it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I've since seen that the last person in this post only lasted 3 months...

They also seem super strict about working hours/location. In a post-COVID world, I'd expect a lot more flexibility from employers - but these guys are very much 9 - 5 in the office with no exceptions. This attitude screams to me that they don't trust their employees and is the same as my last job, which is kind of what I was wanting to avoid.

There's also the issue with salary. It was advertised at £45-50k, yet they've offered me £36k "plus incentivised bonus" - I think this is because they know I'm unemployed and assume I'll take anything.

My gut is really telling me that this is a bad move and I can't pin it on a valid reason, just instinct. I know I'd be more than capable of doing the job to a high standard but it also feels like it's going to be a very similar vibe to my last role... where I wasn't happy. I have enough money put aside to last me a few months without needing to work - if I'm careful.

I'm scared by turning it down I'll jinx myself.

Have you ever turned down a role when unemployed?

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Turning down a job offer based on gut feel when unemployed... stupid or sensible? Turning down a job offer based on gut feel when unemployed... stupid or sensible? Reviewed by Louhi on mai 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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