So I will try and keep this brief. It possibly applies more to people based in the UK than the US but if it helps then brilliant.
I graduated in 2019 with a masters in electronic and electrical engineering, started job searching for graduate roles based in the engineering sector in september 2020 and now 7 months later I have my offer.
So starting off with advice for graduates
1) quality AND quantity. You need both, the applications need to be good and you need to send loads. Rough estimate I sent about 400 applications away, 4 assessment centres before my offer and countless final interviews
2) UPSKILL big bit of advice and it's a lot to ask when your working but I dont a udemy course in python programming to push myself above the crowd, just that little bit can make a difference
3) STAR technique, perfect it and continue adding and making it better etc etc really know the ins and outs , write a few word docs with diff sitchs and possibilitys, you can keep repeating out loud but it works
4) few days of company research , get core values, why I want to work for the company, what could I do etc all that they think slightly outside the box. Always throw you a slight curveball
5) very hard to guess what an assesment centre will give you , generally speaking, group exercise , wee task and few behaviour questions. Show communicative, leadership values and be down to earth. Be relaxed or at least try to pretend to be relaxed.
Good luck !
If you need any extra advice on certain parts message me, really enjoyed all the tips this group gave me in my search and happy to give it back to anyone who needs it !
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