Would it be naive/ungrateful/stupid to leave this job? Advice please.

TLDR; I want to quit my job but am terrified I won’t find another/that my reasons for quitting are stupid, would appreciate advice. Skip to bullet list for reasons I wanna quit.

Apologies for formatting, on mobile. I graduated Class of 2020 into a pandemic, with a degree that pretty much only has value in one industry. An industry which has been completely shut down by covid and will continue to be shut down for the foreseeable future. Also, I live in one of the most expensive cities in the US, and one with massive job shortages at the moment. Cue seven unsuccessful months job hunting, on unemployment, applying for anything and everything. Middle of January I finally get a cashier job at a take-out restaurant. I’ve only been working there maybe a month and a half. And I already want to quit, so badly.

I’m terrified to quit because of how long it took me to find even this job, and because I guess I feel guilty that maybe my reasons to quit “aren’t good enough”?

Just to clarify, it’s not because it’s food service - I’ve worked customer service all my life and have been the cashier at a much busier chain before, I’m used to it. And it’s not that it’s hard - it’s tiring standing on my feet 10 hours a day, but the actual work is very simple, and our location is veeery slow. But mentally, the job is killing me. There’s no one big reason I want to quit but a thousand small reasons, including but not limited to:

  • My bosses seem to think I’m stupid because I didn’t immediately understand their intercom/register system, so now whenever I ask a question their first response is something like “What do you mean you’re confused, it’s right there, you should know this by now”, despite there never having been ANY training before they put me on the floor.

  • I’m one of only three female employees in the store, and usually the only woman there during my shifts. The other employees are all good guys, but there’s definitely been some uncomfortable, half-joking advances from more than one of them, and I have to remind them I have a boyfriend almost every shift.

  • I’m the ONLY employee in the store that doesn’t speak Spanish, while half of the back of house staff doesn’t speak English. I’m not one of those “grr this is America learn English” people, but it makes communicating even simple requests/questions difficult, and again, I’m made to feel stupid because I don’t understand. Believe me, I wish I just knew/had the time to learn Spanish, but I also feel like it’s not my fault I don’t speak Spanish, if that makes sense?? (Also my manager likes to tell me “I like you, no matter what they all say about you back there”, which I know is a joke but why would you think that telling me people are talking shit about me when I can’t understand them is funny?)

  • To top it all off, they don’t follow Covid policies... at all. No one wears masks back in the kitchen, there’s no separate break room to take lunch away from the customer’s food, and they’ve taken the employee’s temperatures maybe once since I’ve been here when they’re supposed to be doing it every day.

  • ALSO one time a man was parked in a van outside the store just... watching me. Drove away the second I got the manager so I know he was up to something sus. Not really a reason to quit but my manager’s dismissiveness of the situation was icing on the cake.

My mental health is in the pits. I’ve cried after every single work day, no exaggeration. But when I think about quitting I feel childish, because each of these problems individually is something I feel I should be able to overlook or overcome.

Please advise - would it be dumb to quit this job, because every workplace has its quirks and I should be grateful I have a job at all, or am I valid in wanting to quit?

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Would it be naive/ungrateful/stupid to leave this job? Advice please. Would it be naive/ungrateful/stupid to leave this job? Advice please. Reviewed by Louhi on mars 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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