I graduated May 2020 with a degree in math from a top 30 college. I had no idea what to do after graduation and just threw out 50 or so job apps into the void, ghosted by all as Covid hit.
Since then I decided to take some CS classes, but I'm realizing this isn't going to do anything for me since I have no internships to speak of (tutored math all 4 summers during college, stupidly- didn't even know what an internship was). Plus, the market is saturated in tech with foreign competition.
So I'm between either going for a teaching certificate (high school math) or just trying to get a job (any job, don't really care what it is as long as it just requires a bachelors) next year. But I don't want to be doing nothing for yet another year if I choose the second option and can't get a job. So I'm wondering, for the purposes of hedging my bets, is the job market still garbage for someone with my credentials (or lack thereof)?
How many applications are we realistically talking for me to get any job -- 100, 500, 1000+? This is in MA. I have no "connections".
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