I enjoy my job, but not the people. (working in trades) Losing hope / motivation for jobs

I enjoy my job, but not the people or culture of it.

I work in electric and started at a new company today. The boss works with us and he’s always saying really racist jokes even though we work with some Hispanic and black dudes, they seem like they don’t mind it though.

We worked from 5:30am-4:30pm and wasn’t given a lunch break until 3. When lunch came around, everyone was eating in the van. Normally I wouldn’t mind, but with COVID, I refuse to take my mask off since my family is immunocompromised and I can’t risk that so I had to wait to eat till I got home and was already feeling dizzy.

Boss and coworkers also all smoke cigarettes throughout the day and in the truck. I don’t care what people do with their life, but I hate when I don’t have the choice to leave the situation. I’m also way too awkward to say anything about it.

One of the other guys has the same name as me so boss started off calling me John #2 which was fine, but by the end of the day he was calling me Brian and for some reason, I was responding to it.

At another point one of the guys was slapping my arm and asking why I’m so skinny and later offered to buy me McDonald’s to “put some meat on my bones.” (I’m not even that skinny, my bmi is 24, just everyone around me is overweight)

After today I felt so angry at myself for not standing up for myself once. Before the day started, I even took my anxiety medicine which I haven’t taken in a while and I was still unable to stand up for myself and remained quiet throughout it all. I feel like I don’t blend in with them or know how to take the jokes or be a dick back.

Im not really sure what to do. I want to learn electric so bad. My last job I quit at 3months cause the boss was physically and verbally abusive. Thought he was just busting my chops in the beginning until I realized he just had serious anger issues and I left soon after. I did experience some of the same issues with the smoking, racist jokes and just toxic environment, but I always looked past it and now it’s becoming harder.

I don’t have a college degree or experience in too much else aside from restaurants and feel pressured this is my only chance. I’m only 19, but I don’t have the time or money for college. I’m living somewhere I’m not actually allowed to and have to have my own place within this year. I could get a place for $700 a month, but feel that once I get stuck at a job, I’ll feel like I can’t leave if I’m supporting myself.

I want to work hard and establish relationships, I love working with my hands and busting ass, but I tend to have a more liberal point of view of things and it often collides with the people I work with. Not sure what to do

Thanks in advance to anyone who comments or reads this

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I enjoy my job, but not the people. (working in trades) Losing hope / motivation for jobs I enjoy my job, but not the people. (working in trades) Losing hope / motivation for jobs Reviewed by Louhi on février 22, 2021 Rating: 5

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