Hi there! So I last summer I got my bachelor's in IT, I have been applying online at entry level jobs for about 6 months now and I only obtained two interviews,but did not get the job, the rest were rejections or they did not get back to me at all.
I also enrolled into Art school last fall (free education here in Romania,it's great) ,this managed to keep me sane for a while because I had something do do with my time and also got great results.... Thing is...I started to hate my life, I m afraid it will look really bad that I graduated in 2020 and still don t have a job and also I m incredibly jelous of those who graduated a year before me found a job in almost no time. I can t find a job in software because most of them ask for experience & "the job market is down right now" + I can't do photography (which I have previous professional experience in and is also my major at art school) because nobody needs a photographer right now. I am incredibly frustrated and feel like a big fucking dissapointment. What should I do next? I feel desperate!
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