Applied for a job and HR got back to me after two days. They said I wasn’t qualified but they would retain my resume.

I have been job hunting on the other side of the country because my partner recently moved there for graduate school. I am getting my Masters this spring and fully intend to relocate (and have even considered relocating before I graduate because we are online this semester) if i find a job that wants me to start earlier. Even though I’m a little nervous about finding a job in this current climate and also moving across country, I have applied to a few places in my field. This is also my first serious job hunt ever since I went straight into my Masters from undergrad, adding to my stress.

One of the jobs I applied to emailed me back and said that my currently qualifications don’t match the current job openings. I would assume it’s because I don’t officially have my Masters yet, but I’m not sure about that. Either way, they said they would retain my resume and consider me for a position that better matches my skill-set, should one become available. I was disappointed but not surprised.

My question is: do private firms really keep these resumes on file and reach out to you if they have a job opening? I plan on actively applying (resubmitting a cover letter and resume again) if I see another opening at this firm that I could qualify for, but I worry that I may miss one if I don’t check in time.

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Applied for a job and HR got back to me after two days. They said I wasn’t qualified but they would retain my resume. Applied for a job and HR got back to me after two days. They said I wasn’t qualified but they would retain my resume. Reviewed by Louhi on janvier 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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