So on the 19th of November I (28f) went to an interview for a health insurance company in Western Australia (the 3 letter one), I thought I nailed the interview and they said I should here from them mid this week. It's now Sunday and I haven't heard from them yet, so I've kinda assumed maybe I'll hear from them next week.
That was until I decided to pop on to seek and found that the job listing had been reposted 3 days ago. I feel upset and annoyed because I'm guessing I didn't get the job and they didn't even send me a thanks but no thanks email.
I'm honestly wondering though, should I email the recruitment team and ask if I've been turned down? How do you even word something like that with of it turning into "yo, I saw the job ad back up on seek did that mean it's a no?"
For anyone who may ask, I already have two jobs. This was a part time 'getting out of my two casual retail jobs' job. Not getting the job isn't a big deal, hell I have an offer of part time from one of my retail jobs, I just want to be selfish and move to a job where I don't have to work late nights or weekends anymore.
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