I am the assistant shift lead for a company I have worked for for a number of years. Started from the bottom, know ins, outs, ups and downs. I love my job and most people I work around. I feel confident in my skills and know that my coworkers appreciate me. However. My boss, has been becoming increasingly aggravating to me. Not just little things. He has made comments about decisions for my personal life that are none of his business (particularly about me having kids and starting a family) he is constantly taking credit for other workers hard work. Even though he has no part in actually getting the job done other than delegation. Mind you, he is not manager. He is simply shift lead. I have gone to the manager about some of the issues I have with things (they were understanding and want to help) but did not state the comments he has made about personal things, other employees or the way he sees his roll. I have recently had a lot of stress put on me in my personal life, that he has been less than respectful about. I am considering stepping down from my position and even moving to a different shift out of fear of hostility from him for doing so because I know it would leave him having to do.. Well, work. Do I go back to management and see if they can help or just ask to be moved and tell them why? I feel as though there is only so much they can change, and his views, opinions and lack of respect isn't in their control. Never posted to reddit before, but I am so torn I would like some outside opinions. Sorry this is so long. Thanks.
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