After I was laid off due to COVID-19 lock downs, my current employer hired me on just a few days later - and I was just incredibly grateful. The job paid more than the job I got laid off for, and I genuinely felt like I earned my position there.
Fast-forward a few months later, I've gotten into a situation where I was working every single day (including stat holidays and weekends), over 9, 10 hours a day (as opposed to the 7.5hrs that was stated in the contract). This has been continuing for the past 2 months.
I loved the work, and I loved working with my team. I also became competent enough to be part of the core team for a large project, and I was just so proud to get to this point, especially after being laid off from my previous job. But the lack of recognition/compensation for my overtime work, and the series of seemingly impossible-to-meet deadlines took a toll on my mental and physical health.
In the midst of all this, I was offered another job, which paid significantly better, with a lighter workload. And today, I gave my employer the notice of my resignation.
I genuinely thought I'd feel liberated with this new job, but all I reallt feel are regrets and wishful thinking. I wished that I didn't have to quit, and that I could've communicated with my employer to resolve the issues I was having. My boss was very personable, and I hate putting the company through a turmoil as a result of one of their core team members leaving.
At the end of the day, a job is just a job - and as much as I'd like to be loyal to my company, I recognize that they wouldn't hesitate to fire me if I stopped being useful to them. And the job wasn't worth risking my health.
I think there are plenty of other people who experience far worse situations, and I feel like I'm having a first-world problem. But I just wanted to vent and clear my head. It sucks. Quitting is hard.
Thanks for listening.
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