Help with job title

Hello all. I'm looking for help on a job title that accurately describes what I actually do at my work and if this is a real position that exists based on my workflow.

My degree is in Civil Engineering. After working in that field straight out of college for about a year, I decided I didn't like doing the work as much as I liked designing tools that made the work easier.

I started with the obvious Excel spreadsheets - but soon branched into custom automation applications written in C#. Having the mindset and hands on knowledge of how the positions actually use these tools has helped me to more accurately design them. It also helps me effectively communicate with the team to know their workflow and pinpoint where we can make it better.

My employer saw this skill set and decided to move me to a position that kind of lets me pursue these endeavors as I want. The problem is, I feel as though I have undervalued myself in terms of salary based on the position title they have given me. Even though I am doing a good bit of software development, I do not have it in my title because I do not hold that Computer Science degree.

My question is, is there a job that exists that encompasses the knowledge of the software end user, and the development of the software?

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Help with job title Help with job title Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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