So COVID messed up my job situation. I was put on furlough (I’m in the UK so for those outside and may not be familiar with it, it’s basically a government scheme where they pay 80% of wages to try and prevent immediate redundancy during the pandemic and give businesses the opportunity to retain employees.) I found my role was at risk of redundancy during this time and then went through a ‘consultation’ process to the result my role was in fact made redundant.
I was put through a ‘job matching’ process and they matched me to a job in the same team etc. But only on a contract until next year. I preferably want a permanent job, not a contract job as I want solid job security. I also feel a bit of resentment where I work now as I feel undervalued and that my original job wasn’t seen as important. I must point out, I am super grateful to have a job for the moment though.
During this time I had been looking externally and obviously due to covid, jobs are highly competitive right now. I had applied for various jobs maybe 5/6 and have heard back from one so far.
I had an interview last week and I won’t find out the result until end of next week.
I think it went well generally but I can’t stop thinking about the things I wish I had said to make me a better candidate! I constantly find myself getting annoyed that ‘I didn’t say this’ and ‘I didn’t say that’ etc. It keeps me up at night and it’s probably because I really want this job.
It’s perfect in every way (location although we are all WFH atm, pay is good, the job is exactly what I want to do!) but at the same time I’m mentally preparing myself for disappointment incase I don’t get it.
I expect this is normal for most but I feel so much pressure as this is the first interview I’ve had in a few years, I’m really worried I won’t even get an interview for anything else, I’m currently worried that I’m in a job that isn’t permanent - so I’m freaking out a bit. I appreciate I’m potentially in a better position than most but I’m worried I’ll feel really down if in the event I don’t get this job and it will demotivate me looking for other jobs.
Can anyone share some words or advice to stop me from these thoughts about what I feel I should have said or done in the interview? Or any advice on how to distract myself or how to cope with the news in the event I don’t get offered the job? Also if anyone has any job success stories through this time in the past few months, I think that might help!
I’m usually the one giving people positive advice but it’s definitely one of those situations where I find it hard to practice what i preach.
Thanks for reading if you’re still here!
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