Ready to move back to old employer...

Hello r/jobs

These last three weeks have been .. not great and I just received an offer to return back to my old job and I want to accept and move on back. However not sure if I'm getting the wrong idea from the new company

I will start off this and state that I left my previous NOC Engineer/Systems Engineer role to pursue a sole NOC Engineer role as my previous employers had to layoffs due to company downturn and Stability was a concern. However, after 3 weeks of working for the new employer, I am noting that this is not what I want to do and I will admit I made a mistake. Atop that the new company itself has also defiantly left itself very undesirable in my first couple of weeks.

The New company is a backhaul provider for 911 services and Mobile carriers. They have hundreds of Cell tower sites and tens of thousands of devices that need to be monitored 24/7. These cell towers have SLA agreements that are 20 min to dispatch. Ontop that there are thousands of point to multipoint wisp customer that we need to support. All of this with one NOC Engineer in house at a time. As this company is extremely short-staffed with only 4 people in the NOC the 5th being me.

Here is a little synopsis on how my first few weeks at the new company has been;

- I know it's minor but on the very first day (the first week in fact) I was thrown into the deep end. Due to the low number of people, I was left alone in the room for most of my shift taking calls with no direction or dedicated training for most the first week. My main direction was simply 'Document and
Customer service as that is 99 percent of my job'. It seems the sole reason for this job is to filter calls and move the calls to the direct department (Sales, Engineering, and Field ops) with around 30-50 calls during a shift. So from around Noon to 5, I was mostly on my own.

- When asking about PTO I was told "Good Luck". When I asked how lunches worked I once again was told "Good Luck" as there is no included break in the 6,8 or 12 hr Shifts. With that I mind I asked about breaks and bathroom breaks. Come to find out that I am expected to bring the remote phone with me to the bathroom ... as 'this is just how it is.'

-The coworker who is attempting to show me to ropes is named "Mike". Mike is a very nice guy that has really helped me out at the end of the first and second week however Mike has made some comments about the job that make me worried. After going home for the 3rd time absolutely stressed to no end I came in and talked to Mike again to find out he is going for his CCNA! I ask how do you balance the stress from here and going home to study; Where he replies "The closer I am to getting my CCNA, The closer I am to leaving this place" After reaching out to other employees I got the same message from others "This is not a place you want to spend more than two years at"

-The info I got from Mike led me to find out that this place has had extremely high turnover for the "5th" Person. In fact, in the last year, there have been 3 different people either fired or quit before me. there is not a single person on that noc that has been there for over 2 years outside the manager. Where he has been there for 3. And from what it seems at least two others are already on their way out due to the massive stress of the place.

-Once again minor but COVID-19 has caused me to change lifestyles in terms of sanitary conditions, This may not affect some others however My first day I came face to face with the fact that workstations are shared, so are peripheral. My first day was cringingly touching a greasy keyboard as the previous guy to use it ordered delivery fried chicken.

-The second week proved to actually start my training. I am not as network savvy as id, like to think so using technology like LSP's in an MPLS network, is new to me. However, the teachings are not to learn the technology but how to use the CRM and how to copy the info into a spreadsheet to send off to engineering. Not to diagnose and determine issues. I attempted to approach my manager with a request to change up learning as the way I learn best Is to learn a technology then learn its applications. This was met with visible irritation from the manager and another explanation on how my job is Documentation and Customer service

-The tipping point was noting that I am not getting the shift I interviewed for. When I applied to the position I was explained that this was a night shift. To which I am fine with. But looking at the 'new and improved' shifts I see that I am to be working 9a-5p M-W and 10p-10a Sat and Sunday .. a Swing shift.. Not something I agreed to.

With all this in mind, it leaves me to understand that this is not what I want to do and It makes me really really yearn to accept my old companies offer to return. However, the question is how. Outside my complaints, they all seem like decent people but How would you approach this and move on. I know this is going to hurt me someway somehow in the future but I loved what I did at the old job, and there is so much to learn at the old place. However, is there a chance that I am being too critical of this place ...

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Ready to move back to old employer... Ready to move back to old employer... Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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