I feel incompetent at my new job- is it okay to quit?

I recently started a new job as a Lab Assistant at a microbiology lab. I don't have any kind of degree or experience. The company said this wouldn't be an issue and that they'd train me.

I am in my second week of training now and still feel like I know nothing. I am so overwhelmed by all this new information that it's like I'm not absorbing it at all. I've been shown how to do things multiple times and I still screw up.

Also, side note, the girl training me is not supportive. We are having major communication issues because she is deaf in one ear and has a thick accent. It also doesn't help that we are wearing masks, so we can't read each other's lips. I am in no way saying this is her fault, but it does make things much more difficult. Besides that, she doesn't treat me with respect. Here are some examples:

  1. We were washing dishes and I put something on the wrong rack. She asked if I had seen her do it before and I said I had once but I forgot. She then said "Are you slow in the head?" I was shocked and just said "I don't know..." awkwardly. She repeatedly asked the question until I walked away.
  2. I was pouring a solution into petri dishes for the first time. There is a certain method you need to use because the solution is very hot. My hands are quite shaky due to a medication I take, so I spilled some of the solution a couple of times. She went to our manager and told her I wasn't cut out for this. Luckily our manager said I just need more practice and to give me some time.
  3. There have been multiple instances where I have asked her a question because I was afraid of screwing up and she rolls her eyes or simply stomps away.
  4. The other day she told a coworker that she didn't "want to be a chicken anymore." When we asked what she meant, she looked at me and said "I don't want a chick following me around."

Honestly I could go on, but you get the point. I don't feel supported in my role and I'm afraid maybe this job just isn't for me, considering I can't even seem to remember simple things.

Would it be unwise to quit after just two weeks? I am resisting the urge to quit immediately because I know I need to have another job lined up before I quit. But part of me also wonders if I'm not giving it enough time.

Any advice is appreciated, thank you!

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I feel incompetent at my new job- is it okay to quit? I feel incompetent at my new job- is it okay to quit? Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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